Ok, this has to be brief, I will elaborate more later but tonight was so exhilarating. I was shaking before we walked on the deck. It seemed like the whole crowd was full of Americans, and they were all chanting, "USA! USA!" Or maybe Americans are just noisy enough to sound like they have filled an entire stadium. Either way, it was unreal. I didn't stop shaking until the part in the deckwork where I get to turn around and look at the girls. When i saw their faces, at first I wanted to cry. They were so beautiful and it was all my best friends staring at me. But I pulled it together and led us into our deck stunts (which we nailed by the way). The routine felt like a dream, I barely remember it. When it was almost over I couldn't believe it and I wanted to do more! But the judges seemed to like it, we are holding strong to bronze. We drew fifth tomorrow, right after Russia again. It's going to be great. Keep up the good thoughts, we all felt them tonight!
At August 26, 2004 at 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lauren, Good to hear you're having a great time. Good luck for your final, if thats what you call it. We don't get much synchro coverage in Aust. so I'll expect to whatch it all when I see you. All my friends are interested too, keep asking "when's it on ? see you soon Regards, Dawn
At August 26, 2004 at 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings Synchro Team USA!
The kids from Rhoads Elementary in Houston have been scouring the airwaves for "our" team. They have been watching the Olympics coverage every night now hoping for news of y'all! They come to school excited about all the sport competitions they've seen. So you have inspired them to take an interest in the entire Athens event and give us new things to discuss. I have shared some of your writing with them. We are sure rootin' for you.
We were sad not to be able to get a live feed of your competitions during the school day. We're sure someone has taped it and we are eager to see it.
Have a fabulous rest of your Athens adventure.
Tracy Cheney
At August 27, 2004 at 5:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Sis
You did an awesome job last night. We are loving our time in Europe. We look forward to tonight and will be rooting you on in the stands. Your blog is really interesting and informative. Good idea.
Love Brosky!
At August 27, 2004 at 5:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lauren!
I tried really hard to watch last night, but I think I fell asleep at 1am! ...but I'll be sure to watch tonight. I wish you all the best today. It looks like you're having so much fun over there...all you've put into your career is really paying off. I'm so happy for you!!! Love, Rachel Gallant
At August 27, 2004 at 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do your thing ladies, DO THIS THING!!!
...tuck an extra noseclip in your hip for me.
kisses all around,
At August 27, 2004 at 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lauren,
I am a friend of Kerry Martin and Dean Lowe & I just wanted you to know how proud I am of all of you!!! I get goosebumps just watching all of you and I can almost feel the excitement and energy of being there. I have your team picture right here on my office wall. There was a HUGE picture of Dean on NBC's webpage this morning. You can sure see how proud he is too! I have already checked today's results and WOW!!! You guys are awesome. I hope you are having the time of your lives and I hope to be able to meet you and the team after you get home. Have a safe and wonderful time. Please tell Dean I said Hi. Love, Debbie Sallen Saratoga, CA.
At August 27, 2004 at 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOOOOHOOOO!!!! You were awsome. Congrats from Las Vegas. We Mojaveites were calling each other to make sure we all watched and rooted. You were gorgeous and boy did it seem like your routine was so much more difficult with so much more going on. Thank you all for making us so proud. I'm glad your sport is FINALLY getting the attention it deserves. Talk about 'best all around' athletes...phew. Cindy D
At August 28, 2004 at 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you had a great time. I saw you on TV and I think I want to do sychronized swimming when I grow up. I like both swimming and dance. I am eight years old, I live in Los Altos Hills, and my name is Lauren like yours! I watched the Olympics until I fell asleep last night with my little sister Emily. I like sychronized swimming because it is three things; gymnastics, swimming, and dancing. I would love to meet you sometime when you come back to Los Altos. Please write me if you have time. My email address is Lauren@legaladv.com.
At August 29, 2004 at 7:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
AWESOME synchro Lauren and team!! Huge congrats on your Bronze Medal. Marsh family viewing from Auburn was cheering, yelling, jumping up and down and generally frenetic with energy at your spectacular routine. You are pure gold in our eyes. Anyone mention you had a great headshot during the opening ceremony? Now we play "Where's Lauren?" instead of where's Waldo as we watch steadfastly for all synchro news and views.
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