Riding the wave....
Well our duet has put us on quite a roll. We were still riding that wave when we woke up this morning and trucked off to the American College of Greece. We shared the bus with our Women's Water Polo team. They were so excited to tell us that they had watched our duet on TV last night and because they had been watching our practices they could tell who was good and who wasn't among the other countries. It was really fun to see how good their synchro education had become after just a few weeks of hearing our corrections belted over the microphone. Apparently in the athlete lounge in the village, synchro was the sport everyone wanted to watch, even some wrestlers were getting into it! The support here is so great, and our water polo girls play tonight and we'll be there to cheer them on when we can.
Practice ran smoothly this morning as well. For those of you who are synchro girls you'll feel me on this one.... Chris (our coach) always says, "If you get this right the first time, we'll be done and you can get out." That NEVER happens by the way, that's always the sentence that starts out practice in the morning and then we get out about 4 hours later. Except for today! We were so hot today that we got everything right the first or second time so that we got out ten minutes early for lunch! Wowee! I don't think that has ever happened to me in my entire 16 year synchro career! I think a lot of our improvement is coming from our landdrills. Maybe I get a little "nazi-like" as Kendra called me today in our landdrills but we are going to be so awesome for our tech! I have the best teammates in the entire world, I wish all of you could be a fly on the wall and watch this team work. I guess through my journals you are. We just get better and better the more pressure we feel.
Well, after all this excitement of the morning, I'm off to take a nap before we take the bus to the competition pool. See you after the duets tonight!
(Post duet entry)
Well, our duet was fabulous once again! I swear I'm not biased but they were the most beautiful duet that competed tonight. They were flawless and exciting and captivating. And, like Anna pointed out, their success here shows that you can still have your own style and be competitive. A lot of the countries begin to look all the same.
During duets I got to sneak up and see my parents and my Aunt Marilyn. They are so fun and such great cheerleaders. I really have been lucky with how much I've been able to see my family.
Besides our duet holding strong to third place, I got some more exciting news. Becky, Kendra and I are going to be on the Today Show again tomorrow. (the morning of August 25 for you in the US) I hope I get to meet Katie! Well, I'm off to bed, sleep is becoming a precious commodity.
By the way, the Olympics is sooooo exciting, I can barely stand it!!!!!!
Practice ran smoothly this morning as well. For those of you who are synchro girls you'll feel me on this one.... Chris (our coach) always says, "If you get this right the first time, we'll be done and you can get out." That NEVER happens by the way, that's always the sentence that starts out practice in the morning and then we get out about 4 hours later. Except for today! We were so hot today that we got everything right the first or second time so that we got out ten minutes early for lunch! Wowee! I don't think that has ever happened to me in my entire 16 year synchro career! I think a lot of our improvement is coming from our landdrills. Maybe I get a little "nazi-like" as Kendra called me today in our landdrills but we are going to be so awesome for our tech! I have the best teammates in the entire world, I wish all of you could be a fly on the wall and watch this team work. I guess through my journals you are. We just get better and better the more pressure we feel.
Well, after all this excitement of the morning, I'm off to take a nap before we take the bus to the competition pool. See you after the duets tonight!
(Post duet entry)
Well, our duet was fabulous once again! I swear I'm not biased but they were the most beautiful duet that competed tonight. They were flawless and exciting and captivating. And, like Anna pointed out, their success here shows that you can still have your own style and be competitive. A lot of the countries begin to look all the same.
During duets I got to sneak up and see my parents and my Aunt Marilyn. They are so fun and such great cheerleaders. I really have been lucky with how much I've been able to see my family.
Besides our duet holding strong to third place, I got some more exciting news. Becky, Kendra and I are going to be on the Today Show again tomorrow. (the morning of August 25 for you in the US) I hope I get to meet Katie! Well, I'm off to bed, sleep is becoming a precious commodity.
By the way, the Olympics is sooooo exciting, I can barely stand it!!!!!!
At August 24, 2004 at 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so excited for you and glad that this experience is turning out to be even more incredible than you expected. Keep up the good work! I'm proud of you and am sending good karma your way for the competition (not that you need it- you guys are on fire!).
Love you,
p.s. Just wanted to remind you that you better get me me a gi-normous souvenier! ;)
At August 25, 2004 at 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lauren!
I just happened to turn on the Today show and saw you were on!!! You looked so beautiful and were so poised and confident. It's absolutely extraordinary the amount of work you put into this. I'm really excited about tomorrow!
At August 29, 2004 at 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Lauren,
I'm so happy to hear that you are having a great time and thats so cool that you are meating so many exciting people there, my mom and i were glued to the t.v every time we say you or anyone else on t.v from synchro, you all did so amazing durring your team compotion i was so proud, i even taped it and tell anna and allison that they did amazing on their duet! Also thank you so much and the rest of the team for the picture you have no idea how much it means to me! Well keep up the great work and i will talk to you when you get back.
Love Always, Audrey, Littleton Colorado
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